

AnyDice is an online tool - also called a web application - that you can use to calculate dice probabilities. It is like a calculator, but for more than just numbers. You feed it a dice mechanic and it will tell you the odds for every possible result that you could get.


You activate AnyDice by sending it commands. You do so by writing them in the input area and pressing the "Calculate" button. The most basic command is to ask AnyDice to output something, for example output 3d6. This will make AnyDice send you the odds for all possible results you could get when rolling three traditional six-sided dice and summing their values.

You can give a name to an output, for example output 3d6 named "three dice".


The results that AnyDice calculates can be presented to you in multiple ways – or views – each suited for different purposes.
By default the results are presented in a table. All possible results are enumerated, from smallest to largest, along with their odds. Also shows is a bar graph that gives a visual representation of the odds. The output of multiple mechanics are shown underneath each other.
An alternative presentation shows the odds using connected dots on a grid. The dots show the same pattern that the bar graph does, but zoomed in. The lines between the dots are a visual aid and have no special meaning. This presentation is most useful to compare multiple mechanics. Note that the grid often overshoots the maximum possible values as it tries to display nice numerical increments. However, the dots displayed are correct.
The export presentation uses the same structure as the tables do, except that only plain text is used and that the odds are displayed with more significant digits. The text can be imported into applications that understand the comma-separated values (CSV) file format.
The data of the results can be modified for display in four different ways.
The normal way to display results is to show the exact odds of each individual value, independent of the other values.
At least
It is also possible to show the odds of getting at least the resulting values shown. This means that the lowest possible result will always have its odds listed as 100%, while the highest possible result will have its normal odds listed.
At most
This is the opposite of the previous option, listing the normal odds for the lowest possible result, while listing 100% for the highest possible result.
This groups the results by value, instead of by mechanic. It allows you to more easily track a value's odds across multiple mechanics. This is only really useful in combination with the graph display.
The average of all possible results is shown after the name of each output. Note that this value need not be a possible result itself. The (population) standard deviation is shown here as well.


You can create a link to your program by clicking on the "click to create link" text above the input area. It will be replaced by a URL that will instruct AnyDice to load the current program. Whenever you click the Calculate button, the link text will be reset.

You can dictate which view AnyDice will use with a link by appending modifiers to it. For example, appending /at_least/graph will instruct AnyDice to show the at-least odds using the graph view.